When did you earn the right to judge people

2 min readJan 26, 2021


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Before judging someone, make sure you not only walk in their shoes, but also run with them. Sympathy is essential.

Mike Tyson’s mother used to put him to bed with a sip of alcohol when he was a child, so he could sleep faster. Did you know this?
Do you know the impact that those sips of alcohol can have on a person’s mental health and health years later?

Between the ages of 8 and 14, Kelly was sexually abused by an older woman in her family. Explaining why he never told anyone. R Kelly wrote in his 2012 autobiography, Soulacoaster, that he was “too scared and too ashamed”. Around the age of 10, R Kelly was also sexually abused by an older man who was a friend of the family. Did you know this?

How to judge a man who has never experienced childhood

Michael Jackson was obsessed with childhood because he never had one. He had been working non-stop since he was a child. He never played with children of his own age, except with his brothers, because his father did not allow his children to socialize with other children in the neighbourhood. Michael was home-schooled for most of his life. He did not have the school or play days that children do. When the other children did their homework, he practiced his dance steps.

When they went to bed, he performed in strip clubs from the age of 6. When the other children were sick and stayed home, he sang and danced even when he was sick and feverish, because his father always said “no matter what show is going to take place”. As a child, he was only surrounded by adults. How could he survive this?

And there are many other examples. What I’m trying to get across is that watching television and reading celebrity magazines does not give us the right to judge these stars. They are human beings with flaws and qualities, just like you and me, except for fame and money.

Why not take care of ourselves? I think that’s the point of all this. Because at the end of the day, we face our realities and the consequences of our actions alone. So why do we judge others? As Bruce Lee said, “Focus, my friend.”

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Prince Youlou is the CEO and co-founder of Niochi, the start-up whose mission is to make tourists feel at home across Africa. He does everything with intensity.