Life is like Call of Duty

2 min readApr 23, 2021


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Call of Duty is a first-person shooter video game franchise published by Activision. Players’ evolution is sequenced and conditioned. Until you figure out the trick, you are stuck on that level.

This game has several levels and all of them are relatively difficult. Progression to the highest level is contingent on completing all the levels and you must perform specific tasks on each level.

However, as easy as it may seem to someone watching, the path to the last level is not always direct. Call of Duty is not an easy game. It is paved with traps, tough enemies and more.

When faced with the difficulties of Call of Duty, there are 3 types of reactions:

Reaction 1
There are those who drop the controller or start another game. This is abandonment, but they call it something else and like the phrase “life is simple, why complicate it”.

Reaction 2
I think the majority react this way. They get attached to the situation and create comfort in that stage. So they get stuck and end up staying there. They have been conditioned by the situation. These are the people who use phrases like “I’m not preparing for Call of Duty League, why should I care?”.

Reaction 3
This reaction is conducive to a very small percentage of cases. Faced with a difficult stage, their resilient strengths surface. Convinced that the only way is forward, they push through to find the trick to get past the stage. This type of person is often called stubborn, obstinate and sometimes selfish by those who have already given up.

In this story, Call of Duty is an analogy to life. But the main question remains: should we be the result of the situations we experience or should we influence them and achieve the goals we set for ourselves?

Again, to excel, it is very important to set a goal and know why it is important to achieve that goal. Otherwise, we live like a plant (I will talk about this soon on this blog).

Now, after explaining all these cases, tell me in the comments section what type of player you are.

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Written by Prince YOULOU

Prince Youlou is the CEO and co-founder of Niochi, the start-up whose mission is to make tourists feel at home across Africa. He does everything with intensity.