Inbound marketing or how to rely on quality content

3 min readJan 12, 2022


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Attracting customers to yourself without having to canvass them… You think this is a dream? Think again! Thanks to quality content specifically designed for your target, it is now possible. This is what we call inbound marketing. In the digital age, this technique is very popular and allows you to break with traditional marketing codes that are often considered too aggressive and not very personalized.

Inbound marketing: time to break with traditional marketing

No more endless hours spent on the phone canvassing for new prospects! No more handing out flyers in the pouring rain! No more… Well, we’ll stop here, you see where we’re going with this: thanks to inbound marketing, it’s now the prospects that come directly to you!
Indeed, otherwise known as “inbound marketing”, it designates the methodology by which a company seeks to have its prospects or customers contact it spontaneously.
This concept is opposed to outbound marketing, which is based on soliciting people who have not asked for anything via advertising messages, poster campaigns, flyers, etc.

The right content, at the right time and in the right place

This is the motto of inbound marketing!
First step: create quality content tailored to each of your targets, according to their issues, needs, in order to arouse their interest. You will then create the right content that will attract them to you and turn them into prospects.

Second step: think timing! What is the best time to relay this new content? This must be thought out and chosen according to your prospects’ availability of mind but also their maturity in the buying process they have undertaken.

Third step: make sure you publish it and then relay it in the right place, i.e. where your target is likely to see it. There are many tools: website, social networks, blog, marketing automation, CRM, SEO…

Thus, far from mass marketing, inbound marketing allows you to precisely target the desired audience and let them transform themselves from visitors into loyal customers.

Integrate it into your global marketing strategy

Inbound marketing can be easily integrated into your overall marketing strategy and will help you achieve the following goals

  • Attract visitors to your website
  • Convert your visitors into leads/prospects
  • Turn your prospects into customers
  • Or to retain your customers

To achieve this, there are many types of content you can develop as part of an inbound marketing strategy:

  • White papers, webinars and ebooks
  • Tutorials showing your products and services in action
  • Podcasts (radio programs that can be listened to on demand on the Internet)
  • Visuals and infographics
  • Case studies and comparisons
  • Blog posts like the one you are reading now
  • Video and motion design
  • Landing page

Convinced that inbound marketing is the strategy you should adopt to develop your business? Contact us without further delay.

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Prince Youlou is the CEO and co-founder of Niochi, the start-up whose mission is to make tourists feel at home across Africa. He does everything with intensity.