Do you know your truth

2 min readJan 13, 2021


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We are all different, but we are always afraid to admit it or to live according to our own truth. As Jay-Z said, “remember that no one built you, you design you. We all see things differently. And we all have different perspectives. So what makes someone’s perspective the best?

Unless we begin to take ownership of our truth and carry it. We will be followers, and that’s a shame. We all have something unique, and that uniqueness is the essence of our humanity. That’s why people associate, do business or make babies.


Society has made us believe that we can only be good if we do better than the other person. This assumes that the other is the unit of measurement. What if our potential is ten times greater than the other person’s? That means that I will end up being better than him, without realizing my full potential, which is less than our true potential. THAT’S FAILURE!

And if Steve Jobs didn’t trust his truth, would we have iPhones? And if Nick Hughes didn’t believe his truth, would we have M-Pesas? Your truth may be your idea, your personality, but it’s always something that’s your own. If it is developed and used, that one thing alone forms the legacy.

We have to question ourselves, define what we want and be willing to kill for it. As my father likes to say “always sleep less stupid than the night before”.

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Written by Prince YOULOU

Prince Youlou is the CEO and co-founder of Niochi, the start-up whose mission is to make tourists feel at home across Africa. He does everything with intensity.